Beyond the Individual: An Interview with Will Johncock – Episode 64
An interview with Will Johncock, author of Beyond the Individual: Stoic Philosophy on Community and Connection.
Chris was exposed to the military version of “stoicism” while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. The mental resilience fostered by those mental practices served Chris well while he served in the Marine Corps Presidential Helicopter Squadron, and during the nearly twenty years in large-scale computing as a hardware and software engineer. However, when Chris returned to public service as a law enforcement, he was not fully prepared for the often brutal realities of human behavior in the tough neighborhoods he worked. Chris began reading extensively in the areas of psychology, cognitive science, and evolutionary psychology to understand the frequently violent behavior he witnessed on the streets. Eventually, he came back to Stoicism to maintain his peace of mind in this chaotic environment. Early in 2011, Chris began to study Stoicism seriously. He discovered The College of Stoic Philosophers later that year and enrolled in the Stoic Essential Studies course. Chris continued his studies with the college by completing the year-long Marcus Aurelius School. Within Stoicism, Chris discovered a philosophical way of life which provided meaning and convinced him to abandon the atheism he adhered to for more than twenty years. Chris now serves as a mentor for the Stoic Essential Studies program and as a tutor for the Marcus Aurelius School. In early 2015, Chris joined with a small group of like-minded traditional Stoics to form the Society of Epictetus, a religious non-profit designed to train Ordained Stoic Philosophers to serve as chaplains and religious officiants. Chris is currently a detective with a large law enforcement agency in Florida, where he gets to test the effectiveness of Stoic practice on a daily basis.
An interview with Will Johncock, author of Beyond the Individual: Stoic Philosophy on Community and Connection.
Set before your eyes every day death and exile and everything else that looks terrible, especially death. Then you will never have any mean thought or be too keen on anything. (Ench 21) That’s an interesting list: death, exile, and everything else that looks terrible. We can all relate to death and other things that look terrible. However, there is no modern equivalent to Roman exile. To full appreciate the inclusion of exile in this list, we need to understand...
The doctrine that the world is a living being, rational, animate and intelligent, is laid down by Chrysippus in the first book of his treatise On Providence, by Apollodorus in his Physics, and by Posidonius… And it is endowed with soul, as is clear from our several souls being each a fragment of it. (DL 7.142-3)[1] Some people think the idea of a conscious cosmos is an antiquated relic of ancient Stoicism that we must abandon in light of modern...
Keep in mind that what injures you is not people who are rude or aggressive but your opinion that they are injuring you. So whenever someone provokes you, be aware that the provocation really comes from your own judgment. Start, then, by trying not to get carried away by the impression. Once you pause and give yourself time, you will more easily control yourself. (Ench 20) Full transcript coming soon.
Let your every action, word, and thought be those of one who could depart from life at any moment. (Meditations 2.11) I cannot find a more fitting passage to describe the last few months of Dirk Mahling’s life. Dirk departed from this life last Friday after a hard-fought battle with cancer. He was the President of New Stoa, a tutor, and mentor to many students at the College of Stoic Philosophers since 2016. Additionally, Dirk is one of several people who...
You can always win if you only enter competitions where winning is up to you. When you see someone honored ahead of you or holding great power or being highly esteemed in another way, be careful never to be carried away by the impression and judge the person to be happy. For if the essence of goodness consists in things that are up to us, there is room for neither envy nor jealousy, and you yourself will not want to...
Whenever a raven croaks ominously, don’t let the impression carry you away, but straightaway discriminate within yourself, and say: “None of this is a warning to me; it only concerns my feeble body or my tiny estate or my paltry reputation or my children or my wife. But to myself all predictions are favorable if I wish them to be, since it is up to me to benefit from the outcome, whatever it may be.” (Ench 18) In ancient Greece...
Keep in mind that you are an actor in a play that is just the way the producer wants it to be. It is short, if that is his wish, or long, if he wants it long. If he wants you to act the part of a beggar, see that you play it skillfully; and similarly if the part is to be a cripple, or an official, or a private person. Your job is to put on a splendid performance...
The Missing Evidence is Evidence I recently decided to start covering Modern Stoic Fallacies periodically. I have been combatting some of these fallacies for years on Facebook, in my blog, and on my podcast. However, I typically only mention them briefly and haven’t provided much analysis. All of these fallacies have the same goal: to justify removing Stoic physics from the holistic system the ancient Stoics created to make Stoicism compatible with agnosticism and atheism. Before I go any further,...
Whenever you see someone grieving at the departure of their child or the loss of their property, take care not to be carried away by the impression that they are in dire external straits, but at once have the following thought available: “What is crushing these people is not the event (since there are other people it does not crush) but their opinion about it.” Don’t hesitate, however, to sympathize with them in words and even maybe share their groans,...
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