UPDATE: This topic is also covered in Episode 6 of the Stoicism On Fire podcast Some things are within our power, while others are not. Within our power are opinion, motivation, desire, aversion, and, in a word, whatever is of our own doing; not within our power are our body, our property, reputation, office, and, in a word, whatever is not of our own doing. (Enchiridion 1) The Stoic Dichotomy of Control (DOC) is simultaneously the most intuitively simple aspect...
From everything that happens in the universe it is easy to praise providence, if one has within him two things: the faculty of taking a comprehensive view of the things that happen to each person and a sense of gratitude. For, otherwise, one will either fail to recognize the usefulness of what has come about, or else fail to be truly grateful if one does in fact recognize it. (Discourses 1.6.1-2) Psychological resilience is a byproduct of Stoic practice; it...
The doctrine that the world is a living being, rational, animate and intelligent, is laid down by Chrysippus in the first book of his treatise On Providence, by Apollodorus in his Physics, and by Posidonius… And it is endowed with soul, as is clear from our several souls being each a fragment of it. (DL 7.142-3)[1] Some people think the idea of a conscious cosmos is an antiquated relic of the ancient Stoics that must be abandoned to modernize Stoicism....
NOTE: This post has been updated and is available as Stoicism On Fire, Episode 23
NOTE: This post has been updated and is available as Stoicism On Fire, Episode 22
NOTE: This post has been updated and is available as Stoicism On Fire, Episode 21
NOTE: This post has been updated and is available as Stoicism On Fire, Episode 20
NOTE: This post has been updated and is available as Stoicism On Fire, Episode 19
NOTE: This post has been updated and is available as Stoicism On Fire, Episode 18
NOTE: This post has been updated and is available as Stoicism On Fire, Episode 17